Available, delivery time: 1 Week
BEST A-XL is a malt made from the traditional German barley variety Alexis. It gives the beer a nice malty flavour, a full body and a golden yellow colour. An increased free amino nitrogen (FAN) content appropriately supplies the yeast during fermentation. Thanks to its balanced proteolytic and cytolytic properties, BEST A-XL shows up to 30% more foam stability in tests compared to conventional standard malts. Using the Steinfurth foam stability tester (MEBAK), values of >120 SKZ were measured in the final beer, indicating very good foam. Malt from Alexis barley can be used up to 100% in the malt deposit. BEST A-XL is available exclusively from Braumarkt.
- Pilsner malt
- Colour (EBC): 1-2
- Rate: Up to 100%
- Content: 1 kg
- Maltster: Best Malz (DE)