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Double Snake C48 Turbo

3,75 €*

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage

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Produktnummer: 5009934
Produktinformationen "Double Snake C48 Turbo"

The C48 is a "dual" turbo yeast. Dual means that you can choose whether to make a moderate level of alcohol fast (48 hours max), or a high level of alcohol (5 days). You control the choice by adding different levels of sugar at start. If you add 6 kgs (25L total volume), you will do the fast fermentation up to 14% alcohol. If you add instead 8 kgs of sugar (still into 25L total volume), you will automatically target 19% alcohol instead in 5 days.

It is also possible (but it requires perfect temperature control) to ferment out 9 kgs of sugar (in 25L total) and reach 21% alcohol. Note: You MUST have access to cooling facilities to do this. Your wash WILL overheat if you try without mantle cooling or inner spiral water cooling.

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