CDR BeerLab®
Beer, wort and water analyses can be carried out quickly, easily and precisely with the CDR BeerLab! From IBU, VDK, Sugars, Alcohol to FAN, whether in production, quality control or for special research projects - the CDR BeerLab® delivers reliable results and helps you to brew the best beer every time.

Reduced analysis times

Easy to use

CDR BeerLab® guarantees high sensitivity, a wide measurement range and excellent repeatability of results thanks to the innovative photometric technology with LED light sources and fixed wavelengths from the ultraviolet to the visible spectrum. The results obtained are in line with those of the reference methods.
The ready-to-use disposable reagents developed and manufactured by the CDR research laboratory are packaged in bags of 10 tests, bundles of 100 tests are discounted.
In just 15 minutes you can analyse up to 16 samples with CDR BeerLab® and up to 3 samples with the junior model.